Friday, July 12, 2013

New Jersey governor Chris Christie

Since oil spewing out of a good and not sensitive to pour out CEO the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, business leaders have learned what not to say the crisis. Two years ago, when the stock market has bottomed out, during the financial crisis, communication equally ineffective. The great investment sage calm, inspired trauma of their customers and with these words: "adhere to in the end".
These success stories in the face of failure and tripping background, more meaningful. Each example reflects a competent and compassionate leadership style, hit the high notes of all, direct and honest and effective communication: door-to-door, thorough command information, and a clear understanding of the audience's psychological state. Although many of these communication was born in bad environment, each of the leadership and management, to restore calm, let people have reason to believe that.
Leadership by the storm
In late October, to the east coast hurricane Sandy bottled and two significantly different leaders rose to the occasion. New York city mayor Michael Bloomberg, command and control manager calm and New Jersey governor Chris Christie, an emotional person is faced with severe challenges.
, decisive save lives in the city of New York metropolitan transit authority, close all the subway, bus and railway line for almost 24 hours ago crit. At the end of the main artery of city is better than thousands and thousands of words to speak to tell people to stay at home.
During the crisis, transparency and to build confidence. Direct style Mayor Bloomberg and frequent press conferences to keep people informed and security situation under his command.

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